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Q: Why did a caravel move so fast?
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What is a small fast ship with a broad bow?

A caravel is small ship that was fast and easy to steer. A caravel is easy to maneuver in dangerous waters.

Sentence with the word caravel?

A caravel was a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship.The caravel came into sight on the horizon.They set sail aboard the caravel for the New World.

What is the name of the fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing vessel?


Name of fast moving Portuguese sailing vessel?

caravel is the name of this vessel

What was a small ship that was fast and easy to steer and even in dangerous water?


How did the caravel improve sailing technology?

It had a moveable sail and rudder so it could move to catch winds. They were also bigger faster ships.

What was the small ship that was fast and easy to steer even in dangerous storms?

A caravel or perhaps a lifeboat.

What part of speech is caravel?

Caravel is a noun.

Did Marco polo use a caravel?

Caravel sailing ships were developed in the 15th century, which is from the years 1401-1500. Marco Polo lived from 1254-1324. So, he did not use Caravel ships.

What is the definition of caravel ship?

A caravel is a small lateen-rigged sailing ship developed in Portugal in the fifteenth century. Caravels were fast and maneuverable and capable of ocean travel. They could have one to four masts.

A small ship tha twas fast and easy to steer eve nin dangerous waters?


How was a caravel different from the boats of its time?

the caravel was different because it had the triangle as a sail so it could turn wherever the person who is on it wants the second thing is that the caravel is lighter than the other boats in its time