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Because they are quicker and easier to build and as gun powder didn't exist in those day's motte and Bailey's were hard to attack. these were only temporary as later on the were replaced by stone keepsMotte and Bailey castles represented the power from the people who built it and had a base in which to launch new attacks. they were easier to build cause they could be built in 4 days

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cuz he did.


In order to establish a widespread and efficient military and administrative net of control over England and keep under submission the turbulent Anglo-Saxons population.

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Q: Why did William build motte and bailey castle?
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What kind of castle did William the king build first?

motte bailey castle

When where motte and bailey castles invented?

The Normans were the first to build motte and bailey castles. Their first castle built was at Mont Glonme on the river Loire in France, 990.

Where did William Duke of Normandy build his first Motte and Bailey castle?

William built his first motte and bailey castle in England at Pevensey. He utalized a Roman fort for added defence. It is possible the wooden tower on top of the motte was brought by ship ready to assemble.

When was the motte bailey castle build?


What are the strengths of a Motte and Bailey Castle?

Strengths of a motte and Bailey castles are that its easy to build and quick to build. there is nothing cos there naf

Who created the first motte and bailey castle?

It was William the Conqueror

Who was building the motte and bailey castle in the 12th century?

The English were building the motte and bailey under William the conqueres command

Which castle did William of Normandy introduce to England?

When William of Normandy took over the throne in England the first type of castle he introduced was the motte and bailey castle. A few years later some of the motte and bailey castles where upgraded to concentric castles.

Why are motte and bailey castles called motte and bailey castle?

motte and bailey castles is called 'motte and bailey castles' because the motte is another word for the hill on which is the keep and the bailey is where all the people live in an area encircled by wooden posts which joins up to the hill

Why is the motte important in a motte and bailey castle?

They were quick and easy to build and easy to defend (except against fire).

What is the bailey of a motte and bailey castle?

It is called a motte and baily castle that is it i think hope this helped

How Build a mott and bailey castle?

Classic Motte & Bailey castle has a surrounding circular wall (and outside the optional moat, or "motte"), and inside will normally be a hillock, and atop the hillock will be the keep (or "bailey"). Most Motte & Bailey castles are of stone construction, erected during the Norman conquest.