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== == Sherman referred to war as being hell in a speech to a large group of young cadets. His quote is "you may think that war is all glory, but it is all hell, boys." Sherman understood that in order to fully win a war and put a stop to fighting, you had to destroy the desire and will to fight, not just win tactical battles. He was arguably the first practitioner of "total war", i.e., taking the war to the land, supplies and people of the enemy, not just attacking the opposing army. He has been vilified for this, but in reality civilian casualties were quite low whereever his army went (property is another story). Sherman, long before he made the war is hell reference has stated "War is cruelty and you cannot refine it", he truly believed this, and when he made his speech to the cadets, it was to advise them that the actuality of war is in no way a glorious and glamorous affair, it is rather the worst and most harsh, cruel practice that you will ever encounter. He was both warning and preparing the audience about the reality of war.

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Q: Why did William T. Sherman refer to war is hell?
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"Hell" is the H - word . This is taken from the Union General William Tecumseh Sherman's quote "War is Hell." during the Civil War .

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What year did William Sherman say war is hell?

It was long after the war, I think in 1883. He had been invited to speak at a patriotic rally. Paraphrasing, he said there is many a boy here today who thinks that war is all glory, but war is cruelty and you cannot refine it. War is hell.

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"War is hell."

Did William T Sherman die in the Civil War?

No,William Tecumseh Sherman died in 1891, 26 years after the end of the Civil War.

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William T. Sherman's method/strategy was known as Total War or Hard War.