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William Penn founded Pennsylvania to be used as a place of refuge for Quakers, but everyone was welcome to live there. At the time, Quakers were being severely persecuted in Great Britain.

Founding of Pennsylvania

William Penn was a Quaker. While most Quakers at this time were from the lower socio-economic class in Great Britain, Penn was educated and wealthy. He used his prestige and influence to moderate some of the Quaker's extravagant practices. He also proposed to provide them a refuge in the New World, via the establishment of a colony, since Quakers were persecuted in Great Britain because of their beliefs. William Penn envisioned Pennsylvania not only as a "Holy Experiment" where all faiths would be welcomed to settle, but also as a means to increase his wealth. Quakers did not believe on imposing their faith on other people. This was known as possessing an "Inner Light." Thus, the colony of Pennsylvania prospered from the start as people of varying faiths settled there and brought their labor, ideas, and talents to the new colony. Unlike most of the other colonies, Pennsylvania remained a refuge for persecuted sects, and it was one of the most cosmopolitan of the colonies.

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9y ago
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15y ago

Penn didn't "start" America. He settled Pennsylvania because he was a Quaker. The British government really disliked the Quaker's because they refused to support the established Church of England with taxes. They built meeting houses, didn't have a paid clergy, believed that they were all children of God, and would take no oaths. This was really something that made the government officials angry because there were "test oaths" required to establish if a person was not Roman Catholic. The Quakers were of deep convictions, refused to go to war and refused military service. They were advocates of passive resistance. William Penn was a well-born young Englishman and became a Quaker in 1660 when he was 16 years old. His father disapproved and gave him a flogging. He was arrested several times for being a Quaker. Penn finally decided to go to the New World. Quakers had all ready fled to Rhode Island, North Carolina, and New Jersey. He wanted to establish an asylum for his people and he want to experiment with liberal ideas in government, plus, make a profit. Finally in 1681 he got an huge land grant from the King in consideration of a debt owed to his deceased father by the Crown. The King called the area Pennsylvania (Penn's Woodland) in honor of the sire. Penn wanted to change the name because he was afraid that people who say he named it after himself. Pennsylvania was promoted by paid agents and pamphlets printed in English, Dutch, French and German. He wanted people who were free thinking, and wanted to work. Within two years Philadelphia had 300 houses and 2500 people. By 1700 the colony was larger in population than most colonies and it was one the most wealthy.

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8y ago

To create a colony where Quakers could live according to their beliefs

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11y ago

So the Quakers could live according to their beliefs

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9y ago

to lick butts

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Lvl 1
3y ago
because he wished to found a larger colony under his own control that would provide a safe home. it is a better answer than the other one

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Who found the colony of Pennsylvania?

William Penn.

Who found the Pennsylvania colony?

The Pennsylvania colony, otherwise known as the province of Pennsylvania, was founded in English North America by William Penn in 1681. The name Pennsylvania is roughly translated as "Penn's woods".

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William Penn founded Pennsylvania in march 4th, 1681

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William Penn established the Quaker colony of Pennsylvania .

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Yes the Colony was founded by William Penn.

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William Penn founded the colony ofPennsylvania

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William Penn. His colony was Pennsylvania and was accepting of most, Quakers included.

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Pennsylvania colony was founded in the year of 1681 by William Penn.