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Simply put, King Henry II wanted to get more control over the Church than he had, and Thomas Becket, who as Archbishop of Canterbury was the most powerful Church leader in England, would not let him have it.

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Henry II made sure Thomas Becket was given Archbishop of Canterbury so he could have an heavy influence over the Church, since clerical abuses in terms of clerical courts sentencing was very lenient was a big issue. However, Becket, despite telling other clergy men to sign it, refused to sign the doctrain that would halt the aforementioned clerical abuses.

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Q: Why did Thomas Becket and King Henry ii Fight?
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Why did King Henry II get angry with Thomas Becket?

King Henry II got angry because Thomas Becket betrayed him by kicking out all the loyal people in the church of England and also kicked out the Archbishop of York. So king Henry II sent out knights to search and to kill Thomas Becket. Then King Henry II tried to stop the nights but it was too late. So that is why King Henry II got angry with Thomas Becket.

What happened to King Henry after Thomas Becket was killed?

he died

What did Thomas a Becket die of?

Thomas Becket was killed by knights . Whether or not that King Henry told him to, we just don't know.

Who murdered Thomas Becket and why?

king the second murdered Thomas Becket because he didnt support the king

Who is Tomas a becket?

Thomas Becket, also known as Thomas à Becket, was the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th century. He clashed with King Henry II over the rights and privileges of the church. Becket was ultimately murdered by followers of the King, which led to his sainthood and the veneration of his memory as a martyr.

How were Henry ll and Thomas Becket similar?

Henry II and Thomas Becket were both powerful, Henry as a king and Becket as Archbishop of Canterbury. They were both trying to consolidate or maintain the power of their organizations. And they were both very stubborn.

Who was king at the time of thomas becket?

Thomas Becket opposed King Henry II of England over questions relating to the relative importance of the Church and the Monarchy.

Who was most responsible for Thomas Becket's death?

Thomas was murdered by followers of King Henry II after the King hinted broadly that he wanted Becket removed from his life.

How old was Thomas Becket when he met King Henry II?

about 34

Who was King Henry 2nd archbishop?

Henry 2nd had 3 different archbishops during his reign as king of England.These where Theobald, Thomas Becket and later Richard of dover. Most people remember Thomas Becket

What were the arguments between Thomas becket and king Edward 2?

None, since Edward II lived long after Thomas Becket died. Thomas lived at the time of king Henry II.

Is the death of thomas becket important?

the death of Thomas Becket is very important because in 1170 he was very important and he was a friend of king Henry the second