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For expanding nations.

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Q: Why did Stephen Douglas propose organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of kansas and nebraska?
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Why did Stephen Douglas propose organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Kansas nebraska?

For expanding nations.

Is it true or false that Senator Stephen a Douglas proposed organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?


In 1854 what did Stephen a Douglas propose?

He proposed a bill that divided the land west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska.

How did Stephen Douglas plan to undo the Missouri compromise?

Stephen Douglas was eager to develop west of his home from Illionois. As a result, he suggested to form two new territories : Kansas and Nebraska. However, many Southerners rejected the idea because under the Missouri Compromise, the territories would be admitted as free states. Douglas then proposed that the upcoming territories would be decided by popular sovereignty, earning the South's favor and thus, removing the Missouri Compromise.

Who proposed the bill to divide Nebraska into two territories?

Stephen A. Douglas

What were the parts of the Kansas Nebraska act?

In 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas wanted an intercontinental railroad connecting Chicago to the western territories. The railroad would be north of the 36º30' line designated as the territories to be free of slavery according to the Missouri Compromise of 1850 and thus make Nebraska a free state. The Southern states objected to this for they felt that states rights should hold true and it should be up to the population of Nebraska to decide. Douglas relented as the Kansas-Nebraska Act came into being. It stated the peoples of Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah territories would decided to become a free state or a slavery state, thus nullifying the Missouri Compromise.

Who introduced a bill to congress to organize the the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?

Stephon A. Douglas

Who introduced a bill to a congress to organize the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?

Stephon A. Douglas

Who introduce a bill to congress to organize the territories of kansas and Nebraska?

Stephon A. Douglas

Why did Stephen Douglas support the kansas-nebraska act?

He created it to turn the rest of the Louisiana Purchase into two territories-Kansas and Nebraska. This would remove the Missouri Compromise and the popular sovereignty (people that lived there) would choose whether or not to have slavery.

Who introduced a bill to Congress to organize the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?

(Stephen A. Douglas)

Why did Stephen Douglas propose repealing the Missouri Compromise?

Douglas wanted to abandon the Missouri Compromise because he wanted to put in place his own Kansas- Nebraska Act. This act would expand railroads and allow territories to choose for themselves if they wanted to be free or slave states.