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They didn't have the right weaponry until the recent 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries

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Q: Why did Soviet Union lag behind other countries?
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The Soviet Union, other ComBloc countries (via the Soviet Union), China, and Cambodia.

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Is Russia the only country where the Soviet Union took place?

No. The Soviet Union encompassed 14 other current countries aside from Russia.

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Czechoslovakia was not a part of the Soviet Union. It was amongst of the other countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact and it was a communist country.

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Why did Russia and the other Countries disband The Soviet Union?

On 21st December 1991 representatives of all of the Soviet Republics, except Georgia.

Did the Soviet Union lose more human life than any other countries in the World War 2?

Yes, the Soviet Union had the most deaths in WW II.

What two countries where mad at each other during the cold war?

The Soviet Union and The United States