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Q: Why did Saddam Hussein not give in to the US ultimatum?
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Which development came last in the 12 months after the us gave Saddam Hussein an ultimatum in march 2003?

they were wrong about Iraq having mass weapons of destruction.

What was Saddam Hussein's relationship with the US?

The US put him into power.

What country did the us catch Saddam Hussein?


Why did the US befriend Saddam Hussein?

because he was mean

Where did the US Marines find Saddam Husseim?

they found Saddam Hussein In a hole with a large beard

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Saddam Hussein

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Which president did not have involvement in an attack on Iraq and its leader Saddam Hussein in the 1990s and 2000s?

Clinton and Obama were the US Presidents in the 1990s and 2000s who did not invade Iraq and/or fight against Saddam Hussein.

Did the US and Saddam Hussein fight together to free Kuwait from Saudi Arabia?

No. The United States and Saudi Arabia fought together to liberate Kuwait from Iraq (under Saddam Hussein).

What did the US fear that Saddam Hussein would do after he invaded?

invade Saudi Arabia

What did the us fear that Saddam Hussein do after he invaded Kuwait?

invade Saudi Arabia

When did the US invade Iraq in an effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power?

The US invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003 with the intent of overthrowing Saddam Hussein and discovering his cache of weapons of mass destruction (which were never found).