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Q: Why did Rosa resent walking past the schools for white children?
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What were the differences between black and white children's schools?

The schools for blacks were usually, if not always, markedly inferior in facilities and staff when compared to white schools.

Black children could not attend the same schools as white children. This is an example of?


What group was excluded entirely from public schools in the south?

African American children were not allowed to attend white schools until the Brown v Kansas schools decision that the Supreme Court ruled that African American children be allowed to attend white schools.

What term best describes the practice of separating black children and white children in schools?


Why was ruby selected to be one of the first children into white schools?

she was to represent black

How were schools organized in 1920's?

Schools were organized based on race and status in the 1920's. This meant for example that black children could not have the education that white children could have.

When did North Carolina have public schools?

North Carolina did not have public schools until 1841. Only white children were sent to public school.Before then, white children were educated at home or in church schools.

In the 1950s black chilldren in the south were required to attend separate schools from white students?

This is a statement, but I will answer it. Yes, Jim Crow laws kept African American children from white schools. This was the idea that "separate but equal."

How many white tailed deer are there the US?

Resent studies say that there are about 30 million white tailed deer in the US.

Why were Aboriginal children taken from their family?

Because Australia wanted an all white country? and maybe because the Aboriginal children were half-casts (half casts mean they have white in them- half aboriginal half white)! they were taken to missions (prison schools)

What famous photographer took the black and white of two children holding hands walking away from the photographer into light?

Eugene Smith

Was 'Brown v. Board' a Failure?

Brown succeded in stopping segregation in schools but did not succeed in getting children of diffrent races to come together in schools because black children usually go to school where the majority of children are black. And also black children dont usually get as good grade as white kids.