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Q: Why did Rome never really fall but instead achieved immortality?
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Explaining the statement Rome never fell because it turned into something even greater an idea and achieved immortality.?

because it was a strong army

What is the th e definition of immortality?

never dying.

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word immortality?

Immortality is never dying. Being immortal. Most ancient civilizations craved immortality. One example of a sentence using the word immortality is: "The Ancient Egypians craved immortality" or "The ancient Greek gods & goddesses were unable to die; they were imortal." I hope i helped!

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So far, this has not been achieved; there are reasons to suppose that it will never possible.So far, this has not been achieved; there are reasons to suppose that it will never possible.So far, this has not been achieved; there are reasons to suppose that it will never possible.So far, this has not been achieved; there are reasons to suppose that it will never possible.

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Immortality, thus never dying, and the ruler of the Underworld.

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The books suggest that Ron never really loved Lavender Brown, but instead loved Hermione.

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Yosemite National Park was never really "discovered". Instead, it was established by President Roosevelt in 1890.

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he never achieved any award

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Being Immortal means that unless someone kills you, you will live forever.

Do you really need headboards on your bed I like my mattress with the pillows against the wall instead.?

A head board is not a neccisity for your bed. I personally have never had a headboard on my bed and have never had a problem

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Because he did not control the Atlantic Ocean route and never achieved air superiority.

Why was the tree brought into the house to display instead of keeping it outside to display?

Oddly enough, the reason for that is rooted in Pagan beliefs. Pagans belived that evergreen trees had certain powers of immortality because they never lost their leaves. They were used in ceremonies, often indoors, that dealt with health and curing ailments.