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In WW2, Romania tried to be a bit... on its own side. Romania was a monarchy, with a teenager king of German origin. A small rich country, full of oil and Natural Resources, a valuable stop for the German army marching on its way to Soviet Union. When the war started, USSR was neutral and all the countries around Romania had a Nazi/fascist regime and territorial claims. So, what Romania tried, being isolated, was to protect its borders. It played a neutral game, with a Pro Germany flavour, in order to get in peace with the German troops. In the meanwhile it tried to help - Polish heritage artifacts were saved, via Romania and Jews have been less hunted than in other places. Many gypsies have been saved from the Death trains. On 23rd of August 1944, Romania "turned the guns" against Germans and followed the Red Army on its way to Berlin. After war, Romania was treated like a "enemy" country, it lost territory and its Heritage (fine art, gold, historical artifact's, etc) and they entered in a dark age.

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This was a result of the unilateral ceasefire by Romania at 23.08.1944 and of the unconditional surrender to Soviet Union.

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Romania was an ally of Germany.

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Q: Why did Romania switch sides to Britain in World War 2?
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What relationship did turkey have with great Britain during World War 1?

They were on opposite sides.

What events help provoke World War 1?

World War I began when Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and conflict began. Around the same time, Germany invaded Belgium, Russia, and France. Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia, and the world divided itself with alliances and treaties resulting in sides being taken. Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Bulgaria Allied Forces: France, Britain, Russia, USA, Italy, Japan, Romania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro, South Africa (Britain), New Zealand (Britain), India (Britain), Canada (Britain), and Australia (Britain).

What were the 2 sides of the War of 1812?

The two sides were America and Britain.

What are the triple alliance nations?

The nations in the triple alliance were Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. Though Italy switched sides later on. The triple entente on the other hand, originally consisted of France, Russia and Britain. The entente got a few additions later on though I think. Romania was one of them.

Why was Romania in World War 2?

It allied itself with Germany in 1941, and helped Germany invade the Soviet Union. Later when the country the Red Army reached Romania, the Fascist government was overthrown. Romania tried to surrender to the USSR but was ordered to change sides without delay and fight the Germans. Of all the German allies, the Romanians had probably the biggest and "better" equipped armies. Oh! and i use the term "better" loosely ]:-) During the battle of Stalingrad, the Red Army -MADE SURE- to strike a blow against the Romanian army that was guarding the left flank of the German army in Stalingrad. Needless to say...being poorly equipped, freezing to death, and not all too sure as to WHY or WHAT they were doing there, the Romanians folded like cards, and allowed the Red Army tanks to pour through. Thus, sealing the fate of the 6th German army in Stalingrad, as well as the fate of the 3rd Reich! Romania's Fascist dictatorship, headed by the "Conducator" (= Leader) Antonescu was one of the more rabidly anti-semitic of German's allies. Early in 1941 Jews were openly slaughtered in the streets of Bucharest. Later they were deported to camps in swampy parts of Romania. It did change sides. When Soviet forces entered Romania in September 1944 the king and various conservative army officers had Antonescu arrested and wanted to surrender to the Soviet Union. They were told that surrendering wasn't good enough and that they had to change sides - which they did.

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In the world war II Romania was allied with Germany.

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In the world war II Romania was allied with Germany

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Romania is an example.

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If you mean in World War 2 then it was because Hitler tried to invade Russia and Britain at once by splitting his army in two, both nazi armies failed to defeat russia nor Britain.

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Italy was the only country to switch sides at the very beginning. Bulgaria and Russia switched sides late into the war.

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no they did not o.k

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Japan did not switch sides in WW2. They were part of the Axis powers until their final surender in 1945.

What relationship did turkey have with great Britain during World War 1?

They were on opposite sides.

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The nations that switched sides were Russia, , Britain, France, Germany and Austria-Hungary

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Yes, the players switch sides in tennis. Every odd game total is when players switch sides. For example, after the first game, players switch sides. This goes for after the third game, and so forth.

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Germany and Britain were on opposite sides during World War II so they didn't send Britain any planes except on bombing missions.

What events help provoke World War 1?

World War I began when Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and conflict began. Around the same time, Germany invaded Belgium, Russia, and France. Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia, and the world divided itself with alliances and treaties resulting in sides being taken. Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Bulgaria Allied Forces: France, Britain, Russia, USA, Italy, Japan, Romania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro, South Africa (Britain), New Zealand (Britain), India (Britain), Canada (Britain), and Australia (Britain).