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He feared that the debate over Texas's admission to the U.S. would ignite a controversy about slavery.

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Q: Why did Pres Jackson resist the admission of Texas into the Union?
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Did the question of the admission of Texas to the union lead to the Compromise of 1850?

No, it was California.

Who is the president in America that support the Republic of Texas but Texas was not admitted to the Union?

Andrew Jackson

What President did not want to admit Texas into the union?

president Jackson and trouble with Mexico

Who helped Texas became a state?

The U.S. Congress approved, and President James K. Polk signed, the 'Joint Resolution for the Admission of the State of Texas into the Union.' Texas became the 28th state.

What effect have changes in the US Constitution had on the Texas Constitution?

Texas made changes to the application of admission into the Union and updated their Constitution for re-admission after the Civil War. Their modification includes insurance that they would enforce their rights against an Oppressive Federal Government.

Was Andrew Jackson elected president before or after Texas became a state?

Andrew Jackson was elected as the seventh president of the United States in 1829. Texas was annexed into the Union in 1845, so before.

How was Texas admitted to the union?

Texas was a state of Mexico, declared its independence, and existed as an independent republic for several years. It applied for admission to the United States as a state, which upon Congressional approval and Presidential signature, took place in 1845.

What President did not want to admit Texas into the Union because he feared the addition would cause trouble?

President Jackson

Which State actually existed for ten years as an independent nation before its admission to the Union?

The Republic of Texas was the only state that existed as a country before it became one of the United States. This occurred in 1845.

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Texas leave the union in Texas

How do you admitt a state into the union?

act of admission

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