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because Elizabeth I was a Church of England Protestant, like her brother Edward and father Henry VIII. Mary, daughter of Catherine of Aragon was a Catholic, and married King Philip I of Spain.

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Q: Why did Philip of Spain want to kill Elizabeth?
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Did the spanish armada want to eliminate Queen Elizabeth and make England a Catholic country?

Yes, King Philip II of Spain was appalled when he heard Elizabeth had beheaded Mary Queen Of Scots, a Catholic Queen. And so decided she was to be removed from the throne and disposed of accordingly. This is why the Armada set sail for England.

What did Philip the II of Macedon want to accomplish and accomplished?

Philip's goal was to lead a united Macedonian and Greek army to conquer the Persian Empire as revenge for its invasion in 480 bc

Why did Philip II want to drive protestants out of England?

Rate This AnswerPhillip II of Spain wanted to drive protestants out of England because Catholicism was the dominant religion of both Spain and England at the time. English rulers also wanted to drive protestants out of England

Why did the armada take place?

There were several reasons. As the King of Spain, Philip II's wish was to return England to the Catholic Faith and to restore Church lands and property that had been stolen by Henry VIII, and to reopen the Monasteries. The Pope agreed. Subject to the Pope's agreement Philip would choose a new Ruler pledged to restore the Catholic faith. He also wanted to stop English support of the rebellion in the Spanish Netherlands, and to stop attacks on Spanish shipping by privateers and English captains such as Sir Francis Drake. Queen Elizabeth I refused Philip's demands, so Philip gave orders for a huge fleet to be assembled, to carry out an invasion of England. They sailed in 1588 but were defeated by a smaller but faster British fleet.

What two main threats did Elizabeth 1st faced?

One of the threats Elizabeth I faced was the spanish Armada which tried to invade England led by King Philips of Spain Bloody Mary's husband he tried to invade because he thought that he should rule England because Mary was his wife but the English didn't want a foreign ruling so the helped Elizabeth.

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When did the Queen Elizabeth marry Philip?

Philip II proposed to Elizabeth I in 1588 but as Elizabeth I did not want to get married so she declined the offer this angered Philip II thats what mostly caused the Spanish Armada which ofcourse britian won Hope this Helps Dan,

Who did Queen Elizabeth II want to marry?

Her husband: Prince Philip.

Did the spanish armada want to eliminate Queen Elizabeth and make England a Catholic country?

Yes, King Philip II of Spain was appalled when he heard Elizabeth had beheaded Mary Queen Of Scots, a Catholic Queen. And so decided she was to be removed from the throne and disposed of accordingly. This is why the Armada set sail for England.

Why didn't Elizabeth I want to marry King Philip II of Spain?

Reasons why elizabeth didn't wan't to marry Philip:1) He was a catholic she was a protestant2) She wanted to rule the country on her own, she didn't wan't much help from a man3) There was so much pressure to Mary that she decided to Mary her country4) England didn't like foreigners5) jing yi bao fancies kang yu chen

What did Philip the II of Macedon want to accomplish and accomplished?

Philip's goal was to lead a united Macedonian and Greek army to conquer the Persian Empire as revenge for its invasion in 480 bc

Why did Elizabeth I Turn Phillip Of Spain Proposal Down?

Well, among other things...He was Catholic, and she was (at least nominally) ProtestantHe was her ex-brother-in-law, having been married to her late sister MaryElizabeth apparently didn't actually want to marry anyone with the possible exception of Robert DudleyElizabeth seems to have generally treated the possibility of marriage (to anyone, not to Philip specifically) as simply another form of diplomacy.

What does Queen Elizabeth husband look like?

Primarily, he looks like a man. If you want to know him better, get help from Wikipedia and search for ""Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh"

Who did Elizabeth I want to marry?

Phillip the II, King of Spain asked Elizabeth for her hand in marriage. She declined. Although she received many proposals and had many potential suitors, Elizabeth chose to never marry or have children. Of notable account, Phillip II, King of Spain asked Elizabeth outright for her hand in marriage. When she declined, the King sent his formidable Spanish Armada to raid England. Elizabeth eloquently addressed her troops, who single-handedly won the naval battle.

Why shouldn't Elizabeth 1 execute Mary?

Assuming you mean Mary, Queen of Scots, and not Mary Tudor (Elizabeth's half-sister), Elizabeth was reluctant to have Mary QS executed largely because, like Elizabeth, she was an anointed queen, and related to Elizabeth. She, Mary, was offered forgiveness and life, but she continued to be a part of several plots to assassinate Elizabeth. Ultimately Elizabeth had no choice and after many years and much vacillation she signed Mary's death warrant.

Did Saint Philip want to conquer Italy?

Saint Philip did not want to conquer Italy and was in no position to do so.

Why did Philip II want to drive protestants out of England?

Rate This AnswerPhillip II of Spain wanted to drive protestants out of England because Catholicism was the dominant religion of both Spain and England at the time. English rulers also wanted to drive protestants out of England

Why did Philip want to marry Mary?

Philip, as the King of Spain, wanted to marry Mary I of England to strengthen his political influence in Europe and potentially gain control over England. The marriage would also help strengthen Catholic alliances in the region and potentially lead to the restoration of Catholicism in England.