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Q: Why did Paine propose that law should be King of America.?
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Who said in America law is king?

Thomas Paine. :)

What does thomas Paine say about the king in common sense?

No, because Paine is saying that the British king is like our laws here in America.

Who did Paine believe should be king of America?

But where, say some, is the King of America? I'll tell you, friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Great Britain... so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America the law is king.

How did thomas Paine contribute to the United States of America?

By writing the book common sense he opened colonies eyes to the tyrannical acts of the king.

What did Thomas Paine write and why was it important?

He wrote Common Sense it was a phamplet about the colonies and how they should separate from the king of england.

Why did Thomas Paine think the citizens should make laws?

There were many reasons........he thought it was not right .... how the king taxed them and pressured them.

Why did thomas Paine hate the king?

Thomas Paine was against the King of England, George III. Paine did not agree with his policy of taxation of the colonies without their proper representation in the British Parliament.

What were some of Thomas Paine's ideas?

Thomas Paine is known for writing the pamphlet Common Sense. The main ideas of this pamphlet were: -the King of England was a "royal brute" -it was America's destiny to become independent from England. -all around, america would be better off without Britain and they would be able to care for themselves with no problem.

Colonial critic of king george?

tomas paine

To what does Paine compare the king of England?

Julius Caesar and King Charles, both were assassinated

Who is Thomas Paine reffering to as a tyrant?

King George III.

Who called king george the royal brute?

Thomas Paine