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Osama bin Laden started Al Qadea to oppose the soviet occupation of Afghanistan during the 1980s. It was originally a jihad against the USSR supported by the CIA. After the soviets withdrew and the Saudis allowed the US to use bases in Saudi Arabia against Saddam Hussein in the first gulf war, he perceived this as sacrilege because Saudi Arabia was home to Mecca and Medina the two holiest sites in Islam and the Saudi Royals allowed the US non Muslim "infidels" onto holy land, he then saw the US to be a new threat as the soviet one faded away and redirected al qadea against the US and her allies in the Middle East.

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It was formed to drive out the Russians from Afghanistan.

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Q: Why did Osama bin Laden choose to start Al-Qaeda?
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For a start, both Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden support two different causes, and are two completely different people. In terms of media attention, they both stand in good stead. Although Barack Obama will be seen more in televisual media and seen in live conferences, there is always the web reports or newspapers posting something about Osama. Whether it be a suspected sighting, or perhaps a case where people are believed to be involved with him, he will always be an infamous character, embedded in both American and English history. Just remember, however, that Osama bin Laden is known for all the wrong reasons.

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Is Osama bin Laden in the US?

No, Osama bin Laden has not been in the US since 1979. He was killed May 1, 2011 when U.S. soldiers told him to surrender. When he didn't, they neutralized his threat. In observance of, and respect toward Muslim tradition, he was given a burial at sea.

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