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NASA decided to launch the challenger because of the following reasons:
  • Engineers were unable to provide enough evidence for the defect in o-rings.
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Q: Why did NASA decide to launch Challenger?
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What was the second space shuttle?

The second space shuttle was named "Challenger." It followed the first space shuttle, Columbia, in NASA's fleet of reusable spacecraft. Challenger tragically disintegrated shortly after launch in 1986.

When was the first space telescope built by NASA place into orbit?

The Hubble telescope was the first telescope built by NASA and placed into orbit. The original launch for the telescope was delayed because of the disaster seen by the Challenger.

Where did Challenger launch?

Challenger launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

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The spaceship that exploded with the female teacher, Christa McAuliffe, onboard was the Space Shuttle Challenger. The tragic event occurred on January 28, 1986, shortly after the shuttle launch.

What date was the second launch of the challenger?

The second launch of the space shuttle Challenger occurred on July 29, 1985.

Has NASA had any accidents?

Yes, NASA has experienced accidents in its history. The most notable one is the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, where the shuttle broke apart 73 seconds after liftoff, resulting in the loss of all seven crew members. There have been other incidents and failures in NASA's space missions, but they have continued to uphold safety standards and learn from past mistakes to improve their operations.

Who launched the Space Shuttle Challenger?


What do the word nasa space launch mean in the time line?

"Nasa space launch" refers to the launch of a spacecraft or rocket by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This event marks the beginning of a mission to explore space, conduct research, or deploy satellites. The timeline of a NASA space launch typically includes pre-launch preparations, liftoff, in-orbit activities, and re-entry or landing.

How far was challenger from launch the launch site when it broke up?

The Space Shuttle Challenger broke up 73 seconds after liftoff, at an altitude of about 15.6 kilometers (9.7 miles) from the launch site at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

When did Ronald E. McNair die?

The NASA biography states Ronald Ervin McNair died on January 28, 1986 when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded after launch from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

What year did the challenger launch?

The space shuttle Challenger launched for its maiden flight on April 4, 1983.

What are the 6 space shuttles in space?

Columbia [Sadly Destroyed during re-entry] Challenger [Destroyed at Launch] Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour are retired.Buran belongs to Russia.[Destroyed in hangar collaspe at Banikour Cosmodrome]Bold shuttles are nasa