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Mussolini survived the Matteoti crisis though support of other political peers and also complete denial of the details surrounding the Matteotti case. When the Fascists were implicated, Mussolini kept quiet. However, due to the divisions of the opposing sides, and the King & Catholic churches support of Mussolini. Firstly and most significantly, the poor tactics of his opposition and their bad timing gave the impression that they didn't work together as much as necessary- the "Aventine' secession completely failed and allowed Socialists and other opposing parties to allow a larger fascist cabinet- so the main reasoning behind Mussolini's party succesfully coming to power is throught the miscalculation and incredibly bad timing of his political peers. Also, complete denial of any involvement in the death of Matteoti cleared Mussolinis name, and him dissmissing certain members of his cabnet made it look like it wasn't him.

Mussolini's actions were not the key points into him coming into power- it was through his peers- the 'Aventine' sucession and the support of the Catholic Church and the King.

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