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He is considered as the officer who made strategic mistakes leading the French army to defeat in Waterlo. Actually, Grouchy was not helped by logistics at that time, he received orders too late and took bad decisions because he had unaccurate information.

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Q: Why did Marshal Grouchy did not help napoleon in the battle of Waterloo?
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When did napoleon fight Waterloo?

!8th June 1815. The culmination of the hundred days campaign. It is a battle the French should win. The French have the impetus. As long as Grouchy keeps the Prussians at bay................ Did anyone see where Marshal Grouchy went ??

Is it true napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo for his backup troops arrive late?

Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo because the Prussian Army under Field Marshal Blucher managed to escape from French Grouchy Corps's control, reaching the battlefield in time to attack the French left wing during the very crucial moment of the battle, when Wellington Army was next to collapse.

Did Napoleon lose the Battle of Waterloo because he was unsure of his troops?

No, I do not think that is the case. Quite simply he has the force to defeat what opposes him: Wellington. Despite the weather, and the lack of mobility this means for the artillery. He has ample cavalry & plenty of infantry. What he does not have is the force to defeat the British & the Prussians, but he has detached Marshal Grouchy to keep the Prussians at bay.... Has anyone seen Grouchy ?? No: I am not blaming Grouchy... Napoleon had no Plan B.....

Who is the Field marshal who led the Prussians against Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo?

Marchal Gebhard Von Blucher

Where was Napoleon defeated by the british?

Waterloo is about 12 miles south of Brussels in Belgium. But that was not his only defeat by any means. Leipzig in Germany was a terrible drubbing. Otherwise known as the Battle of the Nations, he was even opposed by a former Marshal, Bernadotte.

Who was defeated at the battle of Waterloo?

Duke of Wellington (England) He was defeated by Wellington, But Wellington would have lost had the Prussians under Blucher not joined the battle, Napoleon needed to keep the 2 opponents apart & defeat them seperately. Marshal Grouchy gets the blame: Had the French won, however, Napoleon would have taken the credit.

What did Napoleon do to strengthen France?

he did not weaken France but his last battle was the battle of Waterloo he weaken France then because he lost the battle of Waterloo so it was the end of napoleon at the battle.

Who is Napoleon and Waterloo?

Napoleon was the Emperor of France and Waterloo is where he fought and lost his final battle.

In 1815 in which BATTLE was Napoleon?


What was not a victory of Napoleon?

The Battle of Waterloo.

Where was Napoleon stopped?

At the Battle of Waterloo.

Who was Napoleon defeated by at his final battle?

Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo to the Seventh Coalition.