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Q: Why did Malcolm x's militant approach appeal to African Americans?
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Who preached a militant approach to civil rights due to frustation over the lack of social and economic power for African Americans?

Malcolm X

What did Malcolm x do to encourage African Americans?

to abandon, violent, militant tactics in favor of civil disobedience

Did Malcolm X preaches a militant approach to civil rights?

a militant approach to civil rights was the message of

How did Malcolm X differ from martin Luther king jr in his approach to African American problems?

Malcolm X was not against violence when it came to fighting for rights for African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. took a nonviolent approach when it came to obtaining civil rights.

What did Malcolm X want for African Americans?

Malcolm X wanted African Americans to go back to Africa like his father.

Who urged African Americans to fight back when attacked?

Malcolm X.

What did Malcolm x think of African Americans?

He thought African Americans should own and operate their own business.

What did Malcolm x think of African Americans economics?

He thought African Americans should own and operate their own business.

What did Malcolm X do for us?

He won civil rights for African Americans

What was Malcolm X's purpose?

He wanted equal rights for African Americans.

What was the purpose of Malcolm X activities?

He wanted equal rights for African Americans. ---APEX

An advocate for African Americans and a contemporary of Martin Luther King Jr was?

Malcolm X.