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Abraham Lincoln went to the Gettysburg battlefield to dedicate a cemetery for the people who died there. He was in no danger as the fighting had been over for months in that area.

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Magali Herman

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2y ago
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11y ago

He left his favorite top hat at a party there before the civil war and wanted it back. He was greeted heartily and no one really cared that the war was going on. They drank till dawn and Lincoln went back to his presidential duties the next day. ♥

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9y ago

Abraham Lincoln went to the Gettysburg battlefield to dedicate a cemetery for the people who died there. He was in no danger as the fighting had been over for months in that area.

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Q: Why did Lincoln go to Gettysburg during the war?
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When and why did president Lincoln go to Gettysburg?

on Thursday, November 19, 1863 and Lincoln wanted desperately to speak at Gettysburg. It was an opportunity to boost the Union's war effort and to solidify political support in the state of Pennsylvania. (

Why is Gettysburg important?

Gettysburg is a city is Pennsylvania where president Abraham Lincoln gave his famous speech called The Gettysburg Address. I bet you know it, it begins "For score and seven years ago". Probably the most famous (and most amazing) speeches ever! It was a incredible speech about the Cvil War, and Lincoln trying to stop it. And if you are even in Pennsylvania, you should go to Gettysburg. Amazing place of American history to see. And if you ever get the chance to look up the Gettysburg Address, definitely do so to see what Lincoln said!

Why didn't Mary Todd Lincoln want President Lincoln to go to Gettysburg to make his speech?

Because their son Willie was ill

Why did Abraham Lincoln go to Gettysburg?

He was invited to speak and he wanted to give a speech recognizing the bravery of the Union soldiers. The speech was entitled the Gettysburg Address.

Why did the south go to Gettysburg?

The South went to Gettysburg as part of their invasion of the North during the American Civil War. They hoped to win a decisive victory on Northern soil to weaken the Union's morale and resolve.

What do you think President Lincoln was saying with the Gettysburg Address speech?

I'm not sure, but I think he was trying to tell everyone that the war was finally over and that we could go back to our normal lives

How did the aftermath of Gettysburg go?

People rebuilt. Lincoln gave his famous address and the town had to clean up.

Why did president Lincoln travel to Gettysburg to deliver the speech?

He went to give a speech during the dedication of the cemetery under construction about 3 months after the battle.

Did Lincoln want the south to go to war?


Was Abraham Lincoln in the south during civil war?

Do you mean did he visit? Yes, in some areas he did go to encampments of Union troops and visit battlefields.

Why did Lincoln want to go to war?

He went to war because he wanted to preserve the Union.

Who did not want the Mexican -American war to go on?

Abraham Lincoln.