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Nominally, to thrash the Britons who were helping the Gauls. Also to get brownie points within Rome's politics by having a victory. Note that Julius Caesar did not actually conqueur Britain, but a Roman expedition nearly 100 years later did.

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One reason is that Britain has a large supply of tin in the time while the Roman Empire has a large supply of copper, they needed the tin to produce bronze, a stronger metal.

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For more land and the government wanted France or Gaul as it was called.

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Show he was a good general

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Q: Why did Julius Caesar want o conquer Britain?
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All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.

What does the main problem in Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar i being accused of being a political tyrant and the conspirators want to kill him for the good of Rome.

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pompey wanted to arrest Caesar because they were rivals

What did Julius Caesar want from France?

Julius Caesar wanted to overcome all the western countries in Europe just like, Rome, Italy ect.

Why were issues treated in Julius Caesar especially timely in Elizabethan England?

The only relevance that Julius Caesar had in Elizabethan England was that William Shakespeare wrote the play Julius Caesar. Shakespeare was interested in the story of Caesar.

In Julius Caesar what role does Julius Caesar play in the book?

he is the role of caesar he plays a role that is look up to by everyone in rome that is why brutus and the conspittors killed him because he didn't want rome to be a monarcy

Who wished to be king but was killed by senators?

Julius Caesar He was dictator for life but wanted to be king but the senators didn't want that to happen so they stabbed Julius Caesar to death

What did Julius Caesar want to accomplish in his career?

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Who is the first ruler of the roman empire?

Octavianus... later called Caesar Augustus is considered as the first roman emperor. Please note that the most famous roman leader, Julius Caesar had chosen Augustus as his own son. Julius Caesar himself doesn't really count as emperor... he had been blamed for concentrating the leading positions is one person (himself).