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Johnson felt the Amendment was unconstitutional. He wanted the southerners to rely on him to trounce the republicans in the next election.

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Q: Why did Johnson urge the southern states to reject the Fourteenth Amendment?
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Why did Congress still refuse to readmit southern states into the Union in 1865 when Vice President Andrew Johnson became president?

('Because they could' doesn't service). The same day President Johnson issued a pardon, he issued another proclamation for North Carolina. (Became a model of how he wanted to restore South back into the Union). Under it, each former confederate state had to call a convention to revoke its ordinance of secession, ratify 13th amendment, and reject all Civil War debts. Most met these conditions. However, many members of congress were angered when they realized that Southern voters elected former Confederate officers and political leaders. Many found it bad and unacceptable so they decided to reject the new Southern members of congress.

Why did Arkansas reject the twenty-third amendment?

they rejected it on the ground that 54% of the District's citizens were Negroes

What was general Sherman's field order number 15?

Reject by President Johnson. - APEX

What was General Sherman's special field number 15?

Reject by President Johnson. - APEX

What was general Sherman's special field order number?

Reject by President Johnson. - APEX

How does federalism for political and economic diversity among the states?

Officially, Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act, which had been passed over Johnson's veto, which prohibited the president from dismissing certain federal officials without Senate approval, and for denouncing Congress as unfit to legislate. But those reasons masked the issues that were more important to Congressional Republicans. Johnson had vetoed 20 Reconstruction bills and had urged southern legislatures to reject the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing equal protection of the laws. He had ordered African American families evicted from land on which they had been settled by the U.S. Army.

What was General Sherman's special field order number 15?

Reject by President Johnson. - APEX

What southern state rejected the 14th amendment?

because they were all democrats, also known as dixicrats, who were all in favor of slavery. It was largely the REPUBLICANS are the ones that pushed through the 14th amendment. Since most people are educated by the liberal media and liberal school system they do not know their history. the Democratic platform has usually been about special rights, back then is was special rights for whites, now it is special rights for whoever will vote them into power. The republican platform is usually about EQUAL rights for all, which is based upon our constitution. if you prefer special rights for some you will eventually see a class society and that is what our founding fathers were against when they formed this great country. I'm not saying that all repubs are good and all dems are bad, I'm simply generalizing what each party generally has for an agenda. do the research for yourself, do not rely on a preconceived set of beliefs.

Vietnamese war affect Johnson's presidency?

Yes, it caused him to reject a run for a second term as President.

Did any states reject the eighth amendment?

Connecticut and Georgia refused to ratify any of the amendments that constitute The Bill of Rights, believing them to be unnecessary.

Did president Johnson reject the domino theory?

Based on his strong support for the war in Vietnam, he must have had at least some belief that the domino theory was valid.