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The Nazis were smooth talkers who convinced Jewish citizens that they would be sent to harmless labor camps and that work was 'good for the soul.' They comforted them by letting them write postcards to family, postcards that would never be sent. Of course, by the time they actually got to the camps, it would be too late. Word of Nazi atrocities did not spread well. Anyone who was aware of the Nazi's crimes and made this knowledge public was killed.

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Q: Why did Jews listen to the nazies and go to where they wanted them to go?
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What did it take for Jews to get out of Germany?

It depended on where they wanted to go, for example: if they wanted to go to America they needed some one who was already there to sponsor them (give them a place to stay and maybe a job or show that they could support them).

Why did the Jews agree to go to the concentrations camps?

The Jews were taken to extermination camps by force. They did not 'agree' to go voluntarily.

Which group of immigrants faced the most problems in the us?

Black Slaves, brought to America by force, and treated like garbage after they were freed by the Civil War, until the passage of Civil Rights Laws in the mid 1960s.. The immigrants who came to the USA voluntary who faced the greatest challenge were the Jews. The USA is mainly a Christian nation and Jews faced a lot of hardships when they came to the USA. The USA was closed to most Jews in the 1930s and 1940s, and since, they were not wanted in other nations, many Jews who wanted to escape Nazi Germany, found out no country wanted them, so with no place to go, they wound up in the gas chambers.

What was life like for the Jews in the US during World War 2?

It really wasnt that bad. I had an interview with Hitler at one of the most prestigous prison camps. They had pools and 5 star resturants. I mean the had the whole nine yards. It has been proven that Jews actually wanted to go into prison camps.

Why did most Germans wanted the Jews to live in Ghettos?

It wasn't the Germans. Very confusing, yes. The Germans and the Nazis were in different groups, though they followed the same leader. It was the Nazis who wanted this so they could keep track of and control as many Jewish people as they could. _____________________ Most Nazis were Germans. Ordinary Germans were happy to go along with the Nazi's wishes as they benefited in ways such as getting the Jews' jobs or their houses or businesses.

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Why did some of the surviving Jews stay in Europe?

Because they wanted to go home.

Why did the Jews not accept Hitler into the school he wanted to go to?

If you mean the art school Hitler wanted to go to then he did not get in because he was not very good at drawing people.

Why did Hitler go against the Jews?

Because he wanted the perfect race of blonde hair and blue eyes.

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To listen to The Reason by Hoobastank you can go to youtube or Jango. You can also buy a copy at Amazon. If you wanted the lyrics then you can check out the metrolyrics website.

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well before the time of iphones and all that you needed one if you wanted to listen to music on the go!!!!

What did it take for Jews to get out of Germany?

It depended on where they wanted to go, for example: if they wanted to go to America they needed some one who was already there to sponsor them (give them a place to stay and maybe a job or show that they could support them).

Why does anne franks family go into hiding?

because Adolf Hitler wanted all the jews to leave

What is the Jewish Lyceum?

The Jewish Lyceum is where just the Jews were allowed to go because Hitler wanted the Jews and the Nazis separate, for example Anne Frank went to The Jewish Lyceum

Why did Jane Yolen The Devil's Arithmetic?

she wrote it because she wanted people to know the importance of remembering the pain and suffering jews had to go through

Why did mrs johansen and uncle henrik create the death of aunt birte?

They wanted to help save all the Jews so the Jews can come to the house and come to the backyard, get into the boat and leave Denmark and go to Sweden.

Why did hitler want war against jews?

He didn't want war, he didn't need to go to war with the Jews. He wanted them liquidated from earth. He just rounded up Jews and sent them to camps to be killed. The Jews as a whole where very passive in their demise in Germany. Some left the country when they saw the writing on the wall but most didn't.

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No because nobody wanted to listen to there music they wouldn't get a lot of views when they had there show and people would hardly go to there concerts