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Yes they had a laminated I.D card with his or her Social Security #, Drivers Licenes, and Proof of Insurance.

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Q: Why did Jews carry identification?
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What was the purpose of the star of David Armband the Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust?

To allow easy identification of Jews when out in public and walking the streets.

Why did the Jews have to carry identification cards during the Holocaust?

the role of the identity cards in world war two were to make sure there were no enemy imposters :D x

How did the Nazis plan to carry out the final solution?

the plan to annihilate the Jews of Europe.

What did the Jews carry with them when they went into hiding?

Water, food, light, and anything they needed to survive

What kind of work were the prisoners forced to do in the Holocaust?

Jews were to dig holes and carry heavy Piece's of machines .

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Why did the Jews have to wear numbers in the camps?


Must a salesperson carry an identification card?

It is important that a salesperson to carry an identity card. This is purely for identification purposes and allow the customers to easily connect with him.

What were the Jews forced to wear in identification?

gold stars of david

Do foreigners need to carry ID in the US?

Of course. You always need to carry some type of identification.

What was the purpose of the star of David Armband the Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust?

To allow easy identification of Jews when out in public and walking the streets.

Are adults required to carry identification?

No. There is no law that states you must "carry your papers". You must carry a drivers license only when you are operating a motor vehicle.

Is it true that all Jews carry a bag of change around their necks?

No, it is an absurd falsity that all Jews carry a bag of change around their necks.

How were Jews secretly identified during the 1930s?

Please see the related question. Identification was not secret.

Are there more Jews in the us than muslins?

No - Israel currently has the largest Jewish population. America may have more only if you count children of mixed marriages between Jews and non-Jews or who have some type of identification with Jews.

What were the identification numbers for the Jews during the Holocaust?

I beliave the the numbers were a letter and then a number like C-239

What would happen if a Jew was wearing the star of david?

The David star on the Jews on Germany was an item of identification.

Why did the Jews have to carry identification cards during the Holocaust?

the role of the identity cards in world war two were to make sure there were no enemy imposters :D x