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Jefferson did not want slavery expanded, as was allowed by the Missouri Compromise of 1820. He knew that this issue would end up tearing the nation apart. He lamented that the hard sacrifices of 1776 were going to be squandered by the children of those who had fought so hard for freedom and independence. See this letter he wrote in April of 1820: In February 1819 Jefferson in Monticello said, "This momentous question, like a fire bell in the night awakened and filled me with terror." Jefferson and other Virginians were convinced that the Tallmadge amendment excluding slavery from Missouri was part of a Federalist conspiracy to create a sectional party and destroy the union.

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Q: Why did Jefferson oppose the Missouri Compromise?
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Jefferson did not write the Missouri Compromise, but famously opposed it in a letter to John Holms on April 22, 1820. See link.

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Thomas Jefferson did not like the Missouri Compromise very much and he feared that it would lead to the destruction of the Union. He held this opinion, because the Missouri Compromise was trying to imprint more slavery and was also trying to balance it. This would obviously lead to a bad end.

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im almost positive he didnt say that

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