Granting Congress any power not explicitly granted by the Constitution will remove all limits on its power other than what Congress itself believes to be the good of the nation.
Jefferson was a strict constructionist. He believed that the congress could exercise no power not specifically and explicitly mentioned in the constitution. Since the constitution nowhere mentions a bank he believed any law establishing a bank to be unconstitutional.
Michael Montagne
As Secretary of State in Washington's administration Jefferson could not "veto" the National Bank. He argued against it, and debated Alexander Hamilton about its constitutionality, but he was in no position to veto anything.He was, as stated a strict constitutionalist, but later during his own administration he will be forced to recant this strict position when he must make the decision to buy the Louisiana Territory.
The opposition to Hamilton's proposed national bank was led by Thomas Jefferson.
A national bank.
The Constitution did not specifically grant the government the power to create the bank.
Jackson hated the Bank of the United States, and got his buddy James Madison over in Congress to try and block it. He thought it was a tool for the elite to overpower everyone else. He did everything to try and get it shot down.
I am not 100% sure about this one, but I will help you as best I can as I am currently an honors social studies student :). They both opposed to a national bank because they thought it was unconstitutional as nowhere in the Constitution did it allow a national bank to be created.
Make a national bank
He found it unconstitutional
The opposition to Hamilton's proposed national bank was led by Thomas Jefferson.
The National Bank
talexander hamilton
Thoams Jefferson
Elimination of the national bank
The Judiciary Act or the National Bank
thomas Jefferson
Which of the following what?
Thomas Jefferson was a prominent opponent of the idea of a national bank. Alexander Hamilton was its most prominent supporter.