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He was selected by the congress of the newly formed Confederacy as its first "provisional" president, serving with that title until he was regularly elected. The election was held in February 1862. Davis was known to be a man firmly of southern sympathies, but was not a radical "fire-eater" like some who were most visible in pushing for secession. He was disappointed to be chosen president. He had hoped to be named commander of the army of the Confederacy.

There were few men better qualified in the south than Davis. He was a graduate of West Point, and an authentic hero of the Mexican War. Few men anywhere in the US had so much as seen an entire regiment in one place, let alone commanded one in battle.

Davis had been Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of the US Senate, and had served four years as Secretary of War. He had much better qualifications than Lincoln, who had served a single two-year term as a Congressman from Illinois, and whose military experience amounted to about six weeks during the Black Hawk War, without seeing any action.

Davis had been married to the daughter of President Zachary Taylor. He resigned from the army because his commanding officer, Taylor, did not want the life of an officer's wife for his beloved daughter, living on one isolated frontier outpost after another. She died after they were married only a few months.

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because he stupid

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Q: Why did Jefferson Davis want the south to take over the north?
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