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Herpes simplex is a common virus found orally and if you performed and/or received oral sex you can transmit it to the genitals.

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Q: Why did I get herpes simplex when me and my partner are virgins?
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What is the difference between herpes simplex human herpes simplex virus?

Learn about genital herpes causes <a href=''>herpes causes</a>, symptoms, signs, information and treatment. Get the facts about this common STD caused by the herpes offers support and education through teleclasses, led by counsellors who specialize in herpes.

Did the vestal virgins have slaves?

Yes, the Vestal Virgins did have slaves, for cooking their meals and serving them. And also carrying them around in their litter.

How many virgins was buried with shaka Zulu?


Were there priestesses in ancient rome?

Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.Yes, certain goddesses and gods had their priestesses. The Vestal Virgins are about the most famous, but there were also priestesses of Isis and Ceres, among others.

What was the goal of a Renaissance wedding?

To make sure all virgins were to be married

Related questions

What is herpes simplex communly known as?

Herpes simplex is commonly known as "cold sores" or "fever blisters."

Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

Can herpes simplex 1 only live in your urethra?

Herpes simplex 1 can live on any part of your skin.

Is herpes simplex keratitis a disability?


Can a Cold sore leading to herpes simplex two?

A cold sore can't lead to herpes simplex two; they are a different virus.

How did it come to being?

This is not a scientific theory answer. However, the fact that herpes simplex (fever blisters, etc.) is the same virus, my theory is that men or women with the h. simplex performed cunnilingus upon a partner and that propagated the virus as an STD.

Is Herpes simplex IgG a part of the chickenpox family and does it affect your lungs?

Herpes simplex IgG is the long-term antibody to herpes simplex virus. It typically affects the skin and mucous membranes, not the lungs. It is not caused by chickenpox. It indicates prior infection.

Can you get oral herpes with simplex virus?

Yes you can.

What rhymes with Golgi complex?

herpes simplex

What does the medical abbreviation HSV mean?

HSV stands for herpes simplex virus, the virus that causes genital herpes and cold sores.herpe simplex virus

What kind of nucleic acid is Herpes Simplex?

The HIV virus contains two copies of single-stranded RNA.

What causes a canker sore?

An infection. Usually herpes simplex, (herpes 1) a virus. See herpes