because artists from Indian religions showed their beliefs on their works of art.
He built over 70 Greek-style cities, which included temples.
Pharaohs built great temples and pyramids so when past they would have a place to lay rest or be remembered by.
The Luxor Temple and the Great Temple of Ramses II
The Great Temples I & II.
No other civilization built temples or pyramids and these stand as monuments such as The Great Pyramid that still stands today. A king named Khufu built this. The Great Pyramid is know as one of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the world.
to show people that heaven is great. Mainly because temples were the place where God stayed.
Hindu and Buddhist Temple represent house of God. Since house of God or heaven is said to be far more beautiful than earth they decorate it.
Because they would like to honor the gods .This is what my friend told me so its not very reliable.
This is because they had wonderful creations on the temple. This took many years to complete the temple carvings.
There are two widespread points of 'worship;' Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Other religions are represented in Japan, but not to as great extent.
The famous rock-cut temples at Elephanta are ascribed to the Rashtrakuta dynasty. These temples are dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva and are located on Elephanta Island in Mumbai, India. The main temple, also known as the Cave 1 or the Great Cave, features impressive sculptures and carvings depicting various aspects of Hindu mythology.
Ggantija Temples of Gozo
in hindu great power is called hirigangie which means truth and knowlege.
in Hinduism and bu Temple was a place where God stays. To show people that heaven is very beautiful Temple has carvings.
Jain and Buddhist concept of Ahimsa (or non-violence) had actually a great effect on Hinduism. Many Jains and Buddhists condemned caste-system, which is believed by some historians to have prevailed in the society at that time. Jain and Buddhist doctrine of Karma, essentially shaped the Hindu belief of death and rebirth.
He built over 70 Greek-style cities, which included temples.
No he is Hindu