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Because he didn't like catholics and would burn alive of anger.

And as the Catholics were against him in divorce because they didn't believe in it consequtly he burned them alive and other things.

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13y ago

because Henry VIII was a idoid

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Q: Why did Henry VIII kill Catholics?
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Who persecuted Catholics?

In England Henry the VIII had a lot to do with it.

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No. Elizabeth I was Henry VIII's daughter.

Why did Henry VIII split up from the church?

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I'm not sure if this is the answer but i think the catholic was popular in Henry VIII reign because he supported catholics himself.

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No, why would you think that?

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Was Spain angry at Henry VIII?

Yes, Spain probably was. Spain was a very Catholic country, and when Henry VIII declared himself Head of the Church of England just to annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, all the Catholics were angry. Why? Because Catholics believed only the Pope could be head of the church, and Henry VIII changed everything. English Catholics were also angry, and stopped going to Henry's churches, secretly worshipping as Catholics. That was probably part of the reason Spain attacked England when Queen Elizabeth I was reigning, but she defeated the powerful Spanish Armada.