

Best Answer

Henry wanted by the to annul Catherine because

he grew annoy annoyed by the lack of male heir

he fell in love with Anne Boelyn for 5 years

he looked at The Bible it said though who marry their brothers wife will remain childless even though Henry had a daughter Mary he didnt consider his daughter to be heir

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Q: Why did Henry VIII annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon?
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Which historical figure made the decision to break England from the Catholic Church in order to grant himself a divorce from his wife Catherine of Aragon?

Henry VIII, when the pope seemed reluctant to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The problem was that the pope was practically a prisoner of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, who was Catherine's nephew.

Why did England break from the Catholic Church and become Protestant?

England officially broke ties with the Catholic church in 1529 when Henry VIII invoked parliament to enact statutes denying the pope any power or jurisdiction over the Church of England. He did this because of the papacy's refusal to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. This effectively made the Anglican church the national church of England.

Why did the pope refuse to grant Henry viii divorce?

There were two reasons: 1. Catherine of Aragon was originally married to Henry VIII's elder brother, Arthur. Henry got a dispensation - that is, special permission - to marry his deceased brother's wife, which is forbidden under Catholic law. 2. When Henry VIII wanted the divorce the Papal States were under Spanish occupation and the Pope didn't want to offend the King of Spain.

Why did King Henry VIII leave the Catholic church?

Henry did not leave the catholic church. He merely broke away from the control of the Pope in Rome and set himself up as head of the English (catholic) church. He did this so that he could annul his marriage to Katherine of Aragon, which the Pope refused to do, and thus leave him free to marry Ann Boleyn.because he wanted a divorce from his wife for not giving him an heir.

Why did Henry the VIII separate the Catholic Church and the Church of England?

Henry VIII separated from the catholic church to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon and to marry Anne Boleyn. Henry didn't originally plan to break with the authority of the Pope. Henry assumed that the Pope would readily grant him the annulment When the Pope, after keeping Henry waiting on an answer for almost six years, refused to approve of the divorce, Henry was forced into action. After secretly marring Anne, Henry had the newly proclaimed Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cramner, announce the his marriage to Katherine of Aragon was null and void, the children (Mary I) illegitimate. Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyn was declared true and the children of the match legitimate. King Henry was also a socialist, and destested the corrupt and superstitious ways of the Catholic Church during the 1500s. There were many barbaric rituals that he (and Anne) felt had no place in the world of religion, such as learning all prayers in Latin, or superstitious beleifs such as "holy saint's blood" - which was actually goats blood refilled regularly by the monks - having healing properties. Henry wanted to convert the monasteries and other Catholic establishments into places that served the population - schools, hospitals, etc. The Catholic Church was also very wealthy, with lands and treasures which Henry seized and used to fill the English treasuries, as England was in debt at the time. A different reason is because Henry wanted the power so he set up a church he could rule himself the church of England.

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How did faith influence Henry viii's decision to break with rome?

Because the Pope would not recognize Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and marriage to Anne Boleyn.

How many marriages did Henry annul?

Henry VIII had a total of four marriages annulled. First, he annulled his marriage to Catherine of Aragon in 1533. Henry VIII then had his marriage to Anne Boleyn annulled in May of 1536. Next, he annulled his marriage to Anne of Cleves in 1540. Henry's final marriage annulment occured in 1542, dissolving his marriage to Catherine Howard.

Why did King Henry initially have a problem with the Catholic Church?

Henry VIII of England wanted the Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The Pope refused to do so, possibly because of pressure from Catherine's nephew, Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire.

Which historical figure made the decision to break England from the Catholic Church in order to grant himself a divorce from his wife Catherine of Aragon?

Henry VIII, when the pope seemed reluctant to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The problem was that the pope was practically a prisoner of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, who was Catherine's nephew.

How how did the foundation of the Church of England differ from the development of other protestant religions?

Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, so he needed to split away from Catholicism and form his own religion.

How did the foundation of the Church of England differ from the development of the other protestant religion?

Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, so he needed to split away from Catholicism and form his own religion.

How did the foundation of the Church of England differ from the development of the other Protestants religions?

Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, so he needed to split away from Catholicism and form his own religion.

How did the English Reformation occur?

The English Reformation occurred in the 16th century when King Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn. When the Pope refused to annul the marriage, Henry broke away from the Catholic Church and established the Church of England with himself as the head. This led to the dissolution of the monasteries and a shift towards Protestantism in England.

What prompted Henry VIII to create his own church?

because the pope wouldn't annul his and catherine of aragon's marraige

When did King Henry VIII form the Church of England?

Henry VIII founded the church of England in 1534 after he broke away from the Catholic Church. Henry wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused. Therefore Henry denounced Catholicism and passed the Act of Supremacy in 1534 CE.

How did Catherine of aragon marriage end?

Catherine of Aragon, The Spanish Princess, married Prince Arthur the eldest son of Henry VII. However Arthur died shortly after and before the marriage was physically consummated.After a dispensation from the Pope she married Arthur's brother who later became Henry VIII. She bore him six children but only one survived, a Daughter who later became Mary I.Henry VIII was desperate for a male heir and asked the Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine to allow him to marry again. The Pope refused to annul the marriage. Henry was determined to marry Anne Boleyn and so he broke off religious attachments to Rome and the Pope and declared an Act of Supremacy which effectively made himself head of the English church. Henry VIII then divorced himself from Catherine and married Anne Boleyn.Catherine was banished from court and never accepted her divorce. Henry VIII break with Rome and his divorce from Catherine of Aragon is often cited as one of the complex factors which led to the English Reformation.

Why was Catherine of aragon divorced?

Catherine of Aragon's marriage was annulled; she did not divorce. The reasons Henry VIII wanted the marriage annulled were due indirectly on the pressures to produce a male heir. He simultaneously, fell in love with Anne Boleyn, after he had start the formal process of requesting the Church annul his marriage to Catherine. Long delays, and the attempts to exert control over England, and her crown by the Roman Catholic Church, resulted in Henry formally breaking from the Roman Catholic Church. He then appointed the Crown (or King) as Supreme Head of the Church, in England. Thomas Cranmer, the archbishop of Canterbury then granted Henry annulment of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon.