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Who else ever made such an arduous, an almost impossible trek across the Alps with his whole army and even if one did, who did ever stay in enemy territory for 15 years facing a vastly superior army hemming them in on every side but did not lost a single war in all those 15 years? Talk about making the impossible possible. That's Mission Impossible - Hannibal style. Addition: Of course Hannibal then lost the real one - Zama defending Carthage, and so the war. And he thought he was good too - in a apocryphal story, after the war, in discussing generalship with his conqueror Scipio, the latter asked Hannibal who were the greatest generals of all time in order of merit. He answered 'Alexander, Pyrrhus, Hannibal'. (no Scipio there). Scipio said with tongue in cheek: 'And what if I hadn't defeated you?' Hannibal said 'Hannibal would have been first.'

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They didn't actually love him - they were mercenaries. He got them plenty of loot because of his successful battles, ensured they were properly fed and housed, and he minimised casualties. They respected him and therefore folled willingly and fought well under his leadership.

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he crossed the alps

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By superior tactics at the Battle of Zama 202 BCE.

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