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Q: Why did Hamilton wanted to be like the British?
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Did Alexander Hamilton like the British?

The British had a Strong National government. Alexander Hamilton want a strong National government. Hamilton and Jefferson were fighting all the time over that. That might be why. Federlists.

What British territory has Hamilton as its capital?

Hamilton is the capital of Bermuda.

Who was the british commander of the vincennes?

Colonel Hamilton

Who wanted the new nation to elect king for life?

No, Hamilton believed that consistency was important. However, to suggest that Hamilton wanted a king completely distorts his image. Hamilton never ever wanted to elect a king.

What was the level of government Hamilton wanted to strengthen?

Hamilton was a Federalist, so he wanted to strengthen the executive branch of the national government

Andrew Mellon as the greatest secretary of the treasury since Alexander Hamilton because?

It was the wealthy who called him that because he, like Alexander Hamilton, wanted to increase the wealth of the rich.

What do you think the English official meant when he talked of british rule being like a sponge?

like a sponge means that the british wanted all the goods of India to be transmitted to btitain

Was Hamilton pro british?


When was Edward Hamilton - British Army officer - born?

Edward Hamilton - British Army officer - was born on 1854-02-17.

When did Edward Hamilton - British Army officer - die?

Edward Hamilton - British Army officer - died on 1944-03-30.

When did Bruce Hamilton - British Army officer - die?

Bruce Hamilton - British Army officer - died on 1936-07-06.

When was Bruce Hamilton - British Army officer - born?

Bruce Hamilton - British Army officer - was born on 1857-12-07.