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As a way to help pay of America's debt

~Improved Answer;; Well Hamilton needed to come up with a way to pay of for the dept America was facing at the time... Also it was somthing George Washington asked him to do; Hopee I could help Kandee Conelly.

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United States President Hamilton proposed a national bank. He believed that a national bank was necessary to stabilize the improve the economic activity of the nation.

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Who wanted to create a national bank?


Hamilton asked Congress to create a national bank named ....?

The Bank of the United States

What was Hamilton's plan to get the nation out of debt was?

Hamilton wanted to create a national bank, use manufacturing to fund the national debt.

Who want to create national bank?

wanted*** and Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a national bank because he thought it would solve debt earier.

Who create a US bank?

Well, Hamilton and Washington created the first National Bank of the US.

Why did Hamilton want to create a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume all of the state's debts from the revolution and create a consistent monetary fund.

Why did Hamilton want to create national bank?

Alexander Hamilton wanted to assume all of the state's debts from the revolution and create a consistent monetary fund.

What did Treasury Alexander Hamilton proposed that the federal government do after the Revolutionary war?

create a national bank

What were three proposal's Hamilton made to build a strong economy?

Create a national bank, a tariff and the creation of national taxes

Why did strict constructionists argue that the government should not create a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton opposed the idea

Who was the author of a plan to create a national bank in the US?

Alexander Hamilton was the author of a plan to create a national bank in the US. He proposed the establishment of the First Bank of the United States in 1791 as a way to promote a stable currency and stimulate economic growth.

Who recommended the creation of the national bank?

Alexander Hamilton was the creator of the National Bank in 1791.