

Why did Greeks write plays?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Why did Greeks write plays?
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Why did the Ancient Greeks write plays and comedies?

Because such form of art fit as the mirror of the society they live in.

Why did Shakespeare invent plays?

Shakespeare didn't invent the idea of plays. It was the Greeks who did that. He did however write a number of them, for the purpose of making money for himself and his partners.

What did the Greeks write on?

The Greeks wrote on stone.

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What did Greeks write?


What kind of plays did the Greeks do?

they do games

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Romans and Greeks use papyrus to write on.

How did Greeks write plays and how did an author know if his play was a success?

The plays were part of the religious festivals of the gods. The authors wrote them in order to become famous and receive prizes. A play was successful if it won a prize at a festival.

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What was the ancient greek theater for?

it was there because Greeks liked plays it was there because Greeks liked plays NO. It was oridantly a seomony to please the gods and eventually grew from there