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To make them look pretty and so they could make murals on their roofs, advertising that they are rich. Also they're water proof.

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Q: Why did Greeks make their temple's roofs slanted?
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Where did the Greeks make temples for the titans?

The Greeks didn't worship the Titans because the Greek gods defeated them before mankind was formed.

Where did ancient Greeks go to worship?

The Ancient Greeks went to worship at shrines

What did the ancient Greeks make buildings out of?

Ancient Greek temple and other public buildings were mainly constructed of stone by the Egyptian Stone Frame method. These replaced earlier timber structures. The stone used was mainly local marble and limestone. Houses were mainly mud brick, or timber, but fired clay bricks began to be used with a similar lime mortar to that used for the stone buildings Roofs were mainly thatch in early Ancient Greek construction, but fired clay roof tiles in both curved and flat forms were used more later in the period. Temples were built from marble and limestome.

Did the greeks want to make the gods mad?

Actually, the Greeks were always trying to please the gods. They built special temples for them and offered sacrifices to them. If the gods were not happy with them, bad things could come their way.

What kind of temples did polythestic make?

Many different societies all over the world were polytheistic, which means having multiple gods. The Greeks made beautiful temples of white marble with columns and sculptures. The Hindu carved beautiful temples with sculptures. South American people carved temples from rock. Egyptians built the pyramids and also carved stone.

What influenced the Greeks?

Greek temples are representations of sacred gloves of trees. The columns represents the tree trunks of the tree/temple. They were influenced by the Greek God's to make these columns.

What was used to make the roofs of homes in New Plymouth?

The Pilgrims used thatch roofs in the beginning. But because thatched roofs burned easily, they changed to plank roofs.

Which rock is used to make khujaraho temples?

Sand stone rock is used to make Khajuraho temples.

How can make a trapezium?

There are 2 types of trapeziums: One with two slanted sides, and one with 1 To make a two slanted sided trapezium you make a rectangle with sides a and b and put two triangles of equal length on each side. To make a one slanted sided trapezium you do the same thing except with one triangle on only one side.

What will make a persons pupils slanted?

worship of the reptilian overlords will do it for ya

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Why does kerala has sloped roofs?

Kerala experiences a climate of,as to make the water not 2 stay in the roofs and cause damage and 2 see that the water runs off they construct sloped roofs.