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It didn't directly. Vicksburg was July 1863. Davis didn't resign till April 1865.

You may be suggesting that the same-day victories of Vicksburg and Gettysburg marked the beginning of the end for Davis and the Confederates.

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Q: Why did Grant's victory at Vicksburg forced Jefferson Davis to resign as president of the Confederacy?
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What union general's victories in the west cut the confederacy in half?

It was Gen Ulysses S. Grant's July 1863 victory at the Battle of Vicksburg that cut the Confederacy in half. Vicksburg, Mississippi was the only remaining Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River, so Grant's victory gave the Union control of the lower Mississippi River, along with splitting the South in two by cutting Richmond off from the Western half of the Confederacy

What is significant about Robert E. Lee?

He took the Confederacy nearer to victory than it would ever get. He also served as a Confederate figurehead, representing the virtues of the Southern soldier/aristocrat at their highest. (Jefferson Davis was elected President because they thought he would fill this role, but he never did.)

Why was the capture of Vicksburg Mississippi by the Union troops significant?

The fall of Confederate stronghold, Vicksburg was a significant event in the US Civil War. It ended Vicksburg role for supplying the Confederacy with arms and food. It also ended the hold Vicksburg had in controlling that part of the Mississippi River.Vicksburg had been the conduit of receiving food from west of the Mississippi and by rail, shipping it to the Confederacy. It also was a Union victory that encouraged support from Northerners who were coming to believe that the war would be an endless struggle with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.The capture of Vicksburg, Mississippi was significant because it meant that Union troops controlled the major Mississippi River ports. Although Union gunboats had full use of the river, Union cargo vessels were constantly under attack by Rebels hiding on the river's shorelines.

Where in Mississippi did General Grant lead a great victory?


Why was the Battle of Vicksburg so important?

Vicksburg was important to the enemy because it occupied the first high ground coming close to the river before Memphis. From there a railroad runs east, connecting with other roads leading to all points of the Southern States. A railroad also starts from the opposite side of the river, extending west as far as Shreveport, Louisiana. Vicksburg was the only channel, at the time the only channel connecting the parts of the confederacy divided by the Mississippi. So long as it was held by the enemy, the free navigation of the river was prevented. Hence its importance. Points of the river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson were held as dependencies; but their fall was sure to follow the capture of the former place.

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What victory cut the confederacy in half?


What victory split the confederacy in tow?

Battle of Vicksburg

Which union victory cut confederacy in two?


What union victory in the Civil War cut the Confederacy in two?

The battle of Vicksburg.

What victory split the confederacy in to two?

Vicksburg. It liberated the Mississippi.

How did the union victory at Vicksburg affect confederacy?

the confederacy was split in two after it lost strongholds along the mississippi river.

What are the key victories of the union?

Gettysburg was THE key victory for the Union. Vicksburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi, and divided the Confederacy in two.

What battle helped Confederate confidence as 1863 drew to a close?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis addressed the Confederate Congress in December of 1863. Although the successful Union siege of Vicksburg and the loss at the Battle of Gettysburg had hurt Southern chances in the war, Davis pointed out that the Rebel victory at Chickamauga proved that the Confederacy war for independence was alive and still strong.

What is the name of the battle that the victory spilt the confederacy in two at the civil war of the US?

The battle of Vicksburg. The Confederate Army capitulated on July 4, 1863.

What union general's victories in the west cut the confederacy in half?

It was Gen Ulysses S. Grant's July 1863 victory at the Battle of Vicksburg that cut the Confederacy in half. Vicksburg, Mississippi was the only remaining Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River, so Grant's victory gave the Union control of the lower Mississippi River, along with splitting the South in two by cutting Richmond off from the Western half of the Confederacy

What effect did the union victory at Vicksburg have on the confederate garrison at port Hudson?

the confederacy was split in two after it lost its strongholds along the Mississippi river

Why was Grants victory at Vicksburg was important?

Victory at Vicksburg secured control of the Mississippi Valley for the Union.