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Germany had an advantage of number of aircraft and advanced technology of aircraft design.

Many German pilots had battle experience in Spain and earlier battles in Poland, France, North Africa.

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because otherwise they would fart

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Q: Why did Germany need to win the battle of Britain?
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How are Operation Sea lion and the Battle of Britain connected?

Germany needed to win the Battle of Britain to attain air superiority as a necessary prerequisite, before Operation Sea Lion (the invasion of Britain) could be attempted. Since Germany did not win the Battle of Britain and did not achieve the necessary air superiority, the invasion never took place.

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Britain needed to win the navel race because other wise they would be seen as the weaker country compared to Germany.

Which event first weakend the German hold on western Europe?

Germany first failed to win the Battle of Britain, then Germany failed to capture Moscow, finally Germany lost the Battle of Stalingrad and Germany began the slow, but, steady retreat back to Berlin.

How did the Battle of Britain go?

The Battle of Britain was fought between Britain and Germany. It was an aerial battle fought by the British RAF and the German Luftwaffe. Though out-planed, out-trained, and out- numbered, the RAF managed to win the Battle of Britain using radar and planes that were faster and had maneuverable than the Luftwaffe.

What was the battle of britain and how and why did birtain win the battle?

During World War II, the Battle of Britain took place in 1940 and was fought by the air forces of Great Britain and Germany. Germany sought to control Great Britain's airspace as a first step towards invasion. Great Britain prevented this from happening through the courage of its pilots, the superiority of its "Spitfire" fighter, and the first systematic use of an extensive radar system in warfare.

Why did Britain need to win the battle of Britain?

Because if they didn't, the Germans would have control of all the air space and this would make Britain have a massive disadvantage.

Why was the spitfire important?

The Supermarine Spitfire was useful because it was the main fighter plane used by Britain in world war 2, it helped win the battle of Britain and stopped Germany invading

Did The British win the battle of Britain?

Yes, they did.

What is the significance of the Battle of Britai n?

there was a good fight in the battle of Britain and helped Britain win the war

Why did Germany fail to win the battle between themselves and Britain?

2 bodies of water are crucial to the answer: The English Channel prevents the Whermacht attacking Britain directly, and the Atlantic Ocean and the fact that the USA comes to the aid of Britain.

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