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The Afghan War's casus bellie was the attack on the twin towers.

The Iraq War's casus bellie was a refusal of nuclear weapons inspection as required by international law under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty

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because Chuck Norris told him to.

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Q: Why did George W. Bush launch attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan?
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What will history remember most about George W. Bush?

I woudf guess the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

George W Bush Jr launched attacks against the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan because he considered their government to be?

D. A threat to national security

Which president ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?

George Bush

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our government did to launch an attack on mid eastern countries iraq, and afghanistan so we can begin to gain controll for a new world order.

What were some significant things that occurred while George W. Bush was president?

The biggest thing was the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US and the ensuing military response in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The September 11 2001 attacks on The World Trade Center and the pentagon prompted president George W Bush to?

declare a global war on terror and send U.S. troops to Afghanistan.

Who was the us president when the Afghanistan intervention began?

George W. Bush.

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Afghanistan war

Who was the president of the US when Afghanistan war started?

George W. Bush

When did the Iraq Afghanistan war begin officially?

When George bush Sr had a dept he had to pay with osama binladden. The binladdens were mad at George bush Sr. Bush Sr owed them money they were selling oil together and he didn't pay and the binladdens bombed us.

What important events happened during George W Bush's pr?

During George W. Bush's presidency, the United States experienced the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001, leading to the launch of the War on Terror and the invasion of Afghanistan. His administration also initiated the invasion of Iraq in 2003, based on claims of weapons of mass destruction that were later found to be untrue. Additionally, Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act, which aimed to improve education standards in the country.

Which country is not a member of the axis of evil as identified by President George W. Bush?

Afghanistan is likely the country you are thinking of.