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Because he wanted the oil, as the price of oil is soon to rise. He also went into Iraq to get the gold which was stolen from Kuwait by Iraq. He also entered to interfere and make himself seem like a good man while doing so. However, I believe he is in there for the money.

The official response has always been that the President and his advisers believed that Iraq was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and could possibly be a future danger to U.S. interests and security.

Many opinions are based on a person's individual perception of the circumstances and obviously their feelings toward the U.S. government.

There have NEVER been any weapons of mass destruction found. Something doesn't smell right!

President George W. Bush went into Iraq because allies to the U.S. said Sadaam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Hussein had killed hundreds of thousands with gas, and Al Qaeda training sites were found there as well.

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11y ago
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9y ago

The reasons for going to war in Iraq could be argued endlessly, and many people still feel do not that the United States should have gone to war in the first place. The original reason was because they had weapons of mass destruction, and also as an escalation in relation to 9/11.

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15y ago

Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, had invaded Kuwait, a fairly recent act of aggression against a neighboring country. The United Nations security council decided that this aggression needed to be dealt with, and requested the U.S. lead the effort to push Saddam's forces out of Kuwait and back into Iraq. The U.S. led effort, (other countries were involved also, was fast and decisive, and Saddam was defeated. The terms of the cessation of hostilities, required Saddam to allow weapons inspectors into Iran, to make certain that the requirement to stop any weapons of mass destruction program, and destroy any existing stockpiles, under supervision, where never really honored by Saddam, instead, he played cat and mouse games with the U.N. inspectors for years, before expelling them from Iraq Most people believed, that Saddam still possessed these weapons, and understood that if he did have such weapons, he was a threat to the region, and to the security of the world. That he was a threat, is demonstrated by the fact, that he had used weapons of mass destruction on many previous occasions, on other countries and even on citizens of his own country. On Sept. 11, 2001, the New York Trade center was attacked by terrorists most of who were from Saudi Arabia, but not as an act of the Saudi government. Mr. Bush, and his advisers decided that this sort of thing could not be allowed to happen again. A war on terror was begun, and it was considered important to secure, Afghanistan and and Iraq, because these two countries were friendly to terrorists and able to supply training, funding, and supplies to terrorists There will always be the detractors who will state that we were there for oil, or Bush did it on behalf of his father, George H.W. Bush, who was the president during the first action against Iraq. Like Bush or not, believe him or not, but his goal of keeping the United States safe from further major terrorist attacks was realized, the country was kept safe during his watch, and democratic elections have been held in both Iraq and Afghanistan, infrastructure has been improved, and these peoples have been presented with the opportunity, to improve their lives and live peaceably What they ultimately do with that opportunity, remains to be seen.

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12y ago

Bush believed that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He thought that they would attack Europe and America and to defend they invaded Iraq.

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7y ago

Iraq was harboring terrorists Iraq had a growing nuclear program. Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And Iraq invaded and kept Kuweit occupied

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Q: Why did George W. Bush get the us involved in the Iraq war?
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