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because yes. figure it out your not low

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Q: Why did Frederick Douglass think slavery was bad for whites and blacks?
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Related questions

What is the importance of Fredrick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass was well educated and literate. He impressed many whites with his abilities. He worked hard for black civil rights. He also helped Lincoln recruit blacks to join the Civil War.

Why was slavery bad for blacks and whites?

For the blacks because they had no rights...For the whites they were fighting each other over the issue

What were whites and blacks called that fought against slavery?

Abolishoners (i think...)

How was slavery a curse for blacks and whites?

Because blacks were treated pooply so you didnt want to be a slave

Who was affected by slavery?

everybody was affected in the us,canada and other places.the whites and the blacks but the blacks especially who were the slaves.

Blacks and whites were used as indentured servants in the colonies?

Whites were used as inderntured servants though blacks were mostly slaves.

How are Douglass's views about slavery similar to or different from justice Taney's views about slavery?

Frederick Douglass believed that slavery was inherently unjust and dehumanizing, advocating for its abolition and equality for all individuals regardless of race. In contrast, Chief Justice Roger Taney's views in the Dred Scott decision of 1857 upheld the legality of slavery and denied African Americans citizenship rights, deeming them inferior to whites and perpetuating the institution of slavery. Taney's views reinforced systemic racism, while Douglass's sought to dismantle it.

What was the effect of Jim crows laws?

they segregated blacks and whites.

What is Frederick Douglass most remembered by?

He was an African American man born into a slavery, now best known for his role in bringing the harsh realities of slavery to the attention of white Americans, at the same time being a living example of the fallacy of claims that black Americans were intellectually inferior to whites.

What was slavary?

Slavery is when white people take black people for slaves and blacks serve whites.

Why did slaveholders try to convice poor whites that slavery was justified?

they thought blacks had no souls and they could not go to heaven so they used them instead of whites.

What damage does slavery do to the slave owner?

They had no idea of what they were doing. They believed that whites were just superior overall to the blacks.