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Because Napoleon was appointed as commander of the French Army of Italy and managed to convince the Directory that a spring offensive against the Reign of Sardinia and the Austrian Army, starting from Ligurian Apennines, would have great perspectives of success, allowing the French army to invade the Po Valley, opening the gate to the resources of that region in terms of all kind of badly needed supplies and money and great strategic advantages.

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Q: Why did France attack Italy in 1796?
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In 1796 what country did Napoleon attack when he was in control of the Army of Italy?

The Papal States.

Which country was the second to attack France?

Italy was the second country to attack France during WW2. Germany attacked first on May 10, 1940. Then Italy joined the attack on June 10, 1940.

Year in which Napoleon became commander of the French armies in Italy?

He left France to assume that position on 11 March 1796.

Did Napoleon invade Italy?

Yes in 1796 he led a French Army into Northern Italy, he defeated the Austrians although lost one battle and then moved into Austria forcing them to sue for peace. France was given control of Northern Italy and the low countries.

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What happened in france in 1796?

The Directory appointed Napoleon Bonaparte Commander of the Army of Italy on March 2 1796. On Apr. 12, 1796 Napoleon outbroke the offensive against the Piedmontese and Austrian forces, which led to the conquest of the Northern Italy and the Peace of Compoformio signed on Oct. 17, 1797.

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Both the first and the second Battle of Dego, in 1794 and 1796, were won by France. The battles were both fought in present-day Italy and were part of the French revolution.

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France in 1796

What was the nation that Napoleon defeated in Italy in 1796 and 1797?

Napoleon was attacking the various states of Italy. Italy as a united country did not exist at the time.

When did Napoleon take French armies to Italy?

He became the Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy on 2 March 1796.

Capitals of France and Italy?

The capital of France is Paris, and the capital of Italy is Rome.

What continent is France Italy on?

France and Italy are both in Europe