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The main reason was economic - as a way of getting cheap labour. In Europe there has generally been a taboo on reducing members of one's own group to slavery. From time to time (up to about 1550) there were condemnations of the practice of selling prisoners of war into slavery, but it's not clear how widespread this practice was. At various times gypsies were kept as slaves in Europe - in fact till the 1850s in Wallachia and Moldavia (in what is now Romania and Moldova). One of the biggest slaveowners was the Romanian Orthodox Church ... I'm sorry this is a very short answer. This is not the complete answer.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because during the industrial revolution period the only place the Europeans could get cheap labour was from Africa. America was at the time a "new land" that the Europeans had discovered and were eager to exploit the resources it had. Hence the Africans were brought to America to work in the "new land" and provide the Europeans with resources for their industries.

I hope I've given you a rough sketch of how its all connected.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

the African Americans were enslaved simply because the whites thought that they were superior because they had different skin colors.

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Q: Why did Europeans enslave Africans and bring them to the Americans?
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