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The Federalists in Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to prevent immigrants trying to get America involved in a war with France. Aliens that were considered dangerous were to be deported. Kentucky and Virginia passed resolutions that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unConstitutional. President John Adams had a tool to get rid of those he did not agree with. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison disagreed and said it was against freedom of speech and press. When Jefferson won the election, the Alien and Sedition Acts expired.

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claimed that the states could nullify any actions by the federal government that they judged unconstitutional

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No. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions actually encouraged the nullification of the Alien and Sedition Acts. In other words, nullifying them would make the Acts null and void.

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Q: Why did Congress pass the Alien and sedition Acts and how did Kentucky and Virginia respond?
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Why did congress pass the alien and sedition acts how did Kentucky and Virginia respond?

The Federalists in Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to prevent immigrants trying to get America involved in a war with France. Aliens that were considered dangerous were to be deported. Kentucky and Virginia passed resolutions that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unConstitutional. President John Adams had a tool to get rid of those he did not agree with. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison disagreed and said it was against freedom of speech and press. When Jefferson won the election, the Alien and Sedition Acts expired.

How did Madison and Jefferson respond to alien and sedition acts?

they wrote resolutions to Kentucky

How did Madison and Jefferson respond to the alien and sedition acts?

they wrote resolutions to Kentucky

How did Kentucky and Virginia respond to the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Democratic-Republicans, led by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson searched a way to fight the alien and sedition acts. they found it in a theory that the federal government could not violate. Jefferson & Madison wrote resolution (or statements) passed by Kentucky and Virginia legislatures in 1798 and 1799.

How did Jefferson and Madison respond to the alien and sedition acts?

John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law in 1798. He signed The Naturalization Act (passed on June 18), The Alien Act (passed on June 24), The Alien Enemies Act (passed on July 6) and The Sedition Act (passed on June 14).

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