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Davis believed he and only he would make the decisions regarding appointments. While he was the Commander in Chief, Davis often clashed with the Confederate Congress over bills and appointments.

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In 1862 the Confederate Congress passed a bill to have a general in chief position created to better run the war. The bill was vetoed by President Davis because he believed that such a position would undermine the president's role as commander in chief. Having a general in chief would mean that generals appointed by the president could be replaced by the general in chief.

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Q: Why did Confederate President Jefferson Davis veto a bill passed by the Confederate Congress to have a general in chief position appointed?
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What position did the state of Mississippi offer to Jefferson Davis before he became the provisional Confederate president?

The Confederate state of Mississippi offered Jefferson Davis the position of major general. This was just prior to the Confederate Congress naming Davis the provisional president of the Confederacy.

When and in what states was Jefferson Davis sworn in as president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis was elected provisional president by the provisional Confederate congress February 18, 1861 at Montgomery, Alabama. He would later be elected as president of the Confederate States of America by popular vote and was inaugurated at Richmond , Virginia on February 22 1862.

What type of naval requirements did Confederate President Jefferson Davis did he request from the Confederate Congress in early 1862?

Jefferson Davis was in a quandary in early 1862. He had to request from the Confederate Congress funds to build fifty ironclads for river and harbor defenses. He also recommended an increase in troop count for another 300,000 men.

What state did Jefferson Davis represent in the US congress before he was elected President of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis was a senator representing the state of Mississippi. He resigned from this position after Mississippi seceded in January of 1861 and accepted command of Mississippi State troops. Davis also served as the US Secretary of War. In February 1861 he was appointed provisional president of the Confederate States.

Is the secretary of state appointed or elected?

Appointed by the President and approved by Congress.

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Who served as the president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis was appointed by the Confederate Congress to be the president of the Confederate States of America in 1861. At first he was the provisional president. Soon after, the Confederate Congress elected Davis to a six year term that could not be renewed. The Confederate Constitution called for a one term of six years for any Confederate president.

What was Jefferson Davis' position during the US Civil War?

President of the Confederate States of America (CSA). The first Confederate Congress appointed Davis as the "provisional president" of the CSA. Later that Congress elected him to a six year term.

Who served as the president of confederate states of America?

Jefferson Davis was appointed by the Confederate Congress to be the president of the Confederate States of America in 1861. At first he was the provisional president. Soon after, the Confederate Congress elected Davis to a six year term that could not be renewed. The Confederate Constitution called for a one term of six years for any Confederate president.

Who was president or the confederacy?

Jefferson Davis was the provisional Confederate president. Shortly thereafter the Confederate Congress elected him to a six year term as the official Confederate president.

Who was the President of the Confederacy throughout the US Civil War?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America throughout the war. He was first named the provisional Confederate president, then he was elected by the Confederate Congress to a six year term as president.

The American politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War was?

Jefferson Davis was the only person to serve as president of the Confederate States of America. He first served as the provisional president, then the Confederate Congress elected Davis to a six year term.

What position did the state of Mississippi offer to Jefferson Davis before he became the provisional Confederate president?

The Confederate state of Mississippi offered Jefferson Davis the position of major general. This was just prior to the Confederate Congress naming Davis the provisional president of the Confederacy.

When and in what states was Jefferson Davis sworn in as president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis was elected provisional president by the provisional Confederate congress February 18, 1861 at Montgomery, Alabama. He would later be elected as president of the Confederate States of America by popular vote and was inaugurated at Richmond , Virginia on February 22 1862.

What president was elected to both the US and confederate congress?

There was no confederate congress so there was no president elected from both.

What type of naval requirements did Confederate President Jefferson Davis did he request from the Confederate Congress in early 1862?

Jefferson Davis was in a quandary in early 1862. He had to request from the Confederate Congress funds to build fifty ironclads for river and harbor defenses. He also recommended an increase in troop count for another 300,000 men.

Who was chosen as president of the Confederate States?

The President of the Confederate States of America was the head of state and head of government of the Confederate States of America, which was formed from the states which declared their secession from the United States, thus precipitating the American Civil War. The only person to hold the office was Jefferson Davis. He was President from February 18, 1861, to May 10, 1865, and his Vice President was Alexander Stephens. Howell Cobb, as president of the Provisional Confederate Congress, was the highest ranking Confederate official before the election of Davis, but he was not titled President of the Confederate States.

Who was the president of the confederate states of America and before that he was a member of the US congress?

Jefferson F. Davis was the president of the Confederacy and prior to that he was a senator representing the state of Mississippi.