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Q: Why did Communism and communists gained widespread support in China during the 1920's and 1930s?
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What was the US trying to contain during the cold war?

== == To prevent the communists from gaining control of more nations without triggering a full scale war.

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When the communist under Mao took control of China in 1949 they announced total support for which country and it ideology?

They announced support for the USSR and its ideology when Mao took control of China.

What nation provided military support to Korean Communists during the?

...during the Second World War? Korean Communists joined the Korean Liberation Army (KLA) which was supported by the OSS of the United States.

What was the widespread fear of Communism during World War 1?

Well in America and most of the world people feared the idea of a "Common Man" a person who works together without gaining money etc.. the entire idea of communism was completely against what most people followed so they were afraid of what they didn't know. Also in Russia when the communists took control, the US and Great Britain both sent troops to Russia to fight the communists (Russian Civil War) but the communists ended up taking control, this move by the west made most Soviets angry and untrusting of the West.

When did communism start in laos?

The Indochinese Communist Party began in 1930 in Laos. This was the year that communism was first introduced, although it was only through a handful of people such as teachers and doctors. During the 1960's is when communism became more widespread among the population.

Why did the United States support Jiang Jieshi in China's civil war?

Much of the Chinese Civil War happened during the Japanese Occcupation during WWII and the US supported both the Nationalists and the Communists in their fight against the Japanese.

Did Barack Obama support Communism during his Youth in Kazakhstan?

The President never lived in Kazakhstan.

What three things did the United States do to slow down the expansion of Communism?

A military move against the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis of '62. Fight the Communists in Korea in 1950-1953. Fight the Communists in Vietnam in 1955 thru 1975.

What was Americas attitude towards communistm and communists during the lare 40's and 50's?

During the late 1940s and 1950s, America's attitude towards communism and communists was largely hostile and fearful due to the escalating Cold War tensions. The government implemented aggressive anti-communist measures, such as the Red Scare and McCarthyism, which led to extensive investigations and blacklisting of suspected communists. Many Americans regarded communism as a serious threat to American values, democracy, and national security.

Did the US support French efforts to maintain control of French Indochina in the late 1940s?

Yes we did support the french efforts in that area during that time due to our fear of communism and our thought of the Domino Effect with the spread of communism.

How do the Hollywood Ten reflect the concerns of the Cold War era?

The Hollywood Ten was a group of actors accused of being communists during the "Red Scare" and investigated by Congress. This group was blacklisted and faced discrimination because of their alleged association with communists. The treatment this group faced reflects the fear many people felt about communism. Because the Soviet communists were seen as a threat, people began to fear communism within the United States.Source: E2020 Quiz