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Q: Why did Columbus need to think like a entrepreneur?
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Why did Columbus need to think like entrepreneur?

Because he had to convince the king and queen to pay for his expedition

Why did Columbus need to think like an entrepreneur?

Because he had to convince the king and queen to pay for his expedition

What subjects do you need to be an entrepreneur?

It depends on what kind of entrepreneur you would like to be. A buisiness entrepreneur would need an buisiness degree... and so on...

Stories of Filipino entrepreneur?

yes i need the stories of the filipino entrepreneur

What is difference between enterprise and entrepreneur?

Enterprise is either the business of an entrepreneur, more like a 'living' paced, adaptive, creative and innovative.while an entrepreneur isanyone who discovers an opportunity in an identified need/problem, and is able to create value by way of a product or service to profitably solve the problem or meet the need George Akomas jr

What do you need to be an entrepreneur?

-A vision. -Access to money.

What is a sentence for entrepreneurs?

entrepreneur often face many difficulties. entrepreneurs are very rich.

How being an opportunity seeker can help become a successful entrepreneur?

to become a succesful entrepreneur,you need to have the PEc of the opportunity seeker...

What did Christopher Columbus need to complete his voyage?

Columbus needed things like food, water, ships, navigation equipment, medical supplies, beds, and a crew.

How did Henry ford become a successful entrepreneur?

He say a need and filled that need for an inexpensive car.

When did Columbus do magic?

never never Columbus never did magic, if you aren't talking about Christopher Columbus you need to be more pacific.

What degrees do you need to be an entrepreneur?

You don't need any degrees, just a good idea, and a good work ethic.