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His voyages were made to: prove that the world was spherical

find a new trade route

obtain wealth

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8mo ago

Christopher Columbus made his voyages to the New World because he was searching for a new trade route to Asia. He believed that by sailing westward across the Atlantic, he could reach Asia and establish trade connections. However, he mistakenly landed in the Caribbean islands, which eventually led to the European colonization of the Americas.

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Q: Why did Columbus made his voyages to the new world?
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Columbus made a total of four voyages to the New World.

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Who made four voyages to the new world?

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How many voyages did Columbus make to the new world?

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) made four voyages to the New World. 1) 1492-1493 : Bahamas, Hispaniola, and Cuba 2) 1493-1494 : Hispaniola, Cuba, and Jamaica 3) 1498 : Trinidad and Venezuela 4) 1502-1504 : Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, marooned on Jamaica for a year (tropical storms and then ship worms destroyed his ships)

What is christopher Columbus greatest achievement?

he made three voyages he found the "new world" or what we call the Americas today. Not that he made three voyages.