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Columbus lead an expedition from the Kingdom of Castile, which was one of several kingdoms then in what we now call Spain. He lead it because he convinced the Queen, Isabella of Castile, that it would be a reasonable risk for her to fund the expedition to reach the far east, where valuable spices could be found and brought to Spain. The fact that he was Italian made little difference to such a calculation. He was hired to perform a function for Castile.

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Q: Why did Columbus an Italian lead an expedition for Spain?
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Why did Columbus lead more expedition the Americas bringing with him people animal and other supplies?

He wanted to become famous and wealthy.

What country took the lead in exploring the New World?

Spain, since it was the first with Cristopher Columbus in 1492.

Why did Columbus lead more expeditions to Americas bringing with him people animals and other supplies?

Because Columbus and to bring all of his supplies back to the king and queen of Spain so they could have different items to sell and trade.

How did Columbus's voyage lead to a dispute between Spain and Portugal?

Actually Spain and Portugal wanted the lands Christopher Columbus discovered and would even fight for it. Later Pope Alexander VI settled the problem by making a boundary for Spain and Portugal.

Why did Columbus make a return?

So he could give King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella their gold,spices,sliks,spread. Christanity-lead expedition to china.

Why did Christopher Columbus go to the King and Queen of Spain?

to ask them for the ships and the supplies that he will need for his expedition. he also asked them to fund his expedition. in return he promised that his expedition will benefit Spain because he will give them gold, spices, silks, spread, Christianity-lead expedition to china

Christopher Columbus' Background?

Christopher Columbus is an Italian who was born in 1451. In 1492 he made a voyage which lead to his discovery of the Americas, although he thought he had actually landed in India. This is why he called the local people he discovered "Indians".

What happened in 1492?

There were several significant events that happened in Spain in 1492. The Conquest of Granada and the Edict of Expulsion helped financed the voyage of Christopher Columbus that lead to the discovery of the New World or the Americas.

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Trajan led his expedition in 115 .AD

Which two men where selected to lead the expedition?

Lewis and Clark were selected to lead the expedition to explore the western United States.