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Q: Why did California's admission as a free state after the Mexican war make controversy?
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The Golden State

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The Golden State ?

Why did californias application for state hood cause a political uproar?

California's application for statehood caused a crisis because most of the state was still under Mexican control and it wasn't known if California would be a slave state or not.

Californias state motto is?

The state motto of California is "I have found it"

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Football is California's state sport.

What language is Californias state motto?

The state motto is Eureka which is Greek for "I Have Found It"

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it means

What is Californias State fruit?

California's state food is the blueberrey.

What is it called when you add a state to the US?

"Admission." States are admitted to the Union. Territories can be annexed (e.g. Hawai'i Territory) or purchased (e.g. Louisiana Territory) or ceded (e.g. Mexican Cession).